Even at the best of times, buying a new home can be an extremely stressful business and this is why the help from experienced conveyancing solicitors Portsmouth is found invaluable. The road to property ownership is riddled with complexities and far from straightforward as one might at first imagine.

Hiring professionally-qualified conveyancing solicitors Portsmouth is a guaranteed way to make the notoriously difficult home buying process a lot easier. While it may be exciting and fun to view houses for sale in the hope of finding your dream home, the paperwork and laborious administration involved once you’ve found it, can be a nightmare to complete. It is in the nature of paperwork in legal matters, such as transferring residential property into another name, to be found by ordinary individuals to be complex, overwhelming and time-consuming.

Professional experienced conveyancing solicitors Portsmouth whose job it is to manage these matters will find it less so. At Andrew & Andrew we have expert solicitors experienced in conveyancing services to smooth and streamline the property investment process. Here’s what to pay attention to when hiring the best conveyancing solicitor.

Top tips to find the best conveyancing services

When needing conveyancing services when purchasing property, it is best to rely on an experienced and professional practitioner. This will ensure that you protect your interests and avoid the frustrations of having to deal with problems down the line or put the deal you have on the table at risk of falling through. Here’s what to look out for.


As in all matters that tie into ethical and legal boundaries, finding an accredited practitioner is of the utmost importance. Hiring an accredited conveyancing solicitor is the best way to ensure you get the best deal and your investment is secure.

Match quality of service to cost

Many would-be homeowners make the mistake of choosing conveyancing solicitors based on cost but we urge caution here. Seemingly low rates are almost invariably linked to lower quality services rendered. Shoddy legal and administration work from poor quality conveyancing services can result in many complex problems that put your property investment in jeopardy.

Feel comfortable with your chosen solicitor

Prospective homeowners often overlook the necessity of choosing a conveyancing solicitor they are comfortable with. As conveyancing is a time-heavy process, the chosen conveyancing practitioner should not only have the expertise but the time too, to pay a substantial amount of attention to handle your case in a professional manner.

If possible it is always a good idea to arrange an in-person meeting with the conveyancer you choose to handle the legalities of your property purchase.

The benefits of employing the right conveyancing practitioner can save you time and money and streamline the process of you moving into your new dream home.

Are you looking for a conveyancing solicitor who will work in your best interests to secure the best property investment for you? At Andrew & Andrew our dedicated conveyancing solicitors are well experienced and offer a range of high-quality conveyancing services.